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Diana Wechsler, Marcelo Huernos, and Marc Lenot are our new guests

Dr. Diana B. Wechsler - art historian, researcher, curator-

Principal Researcher - CONICET. Directs the Institute for Research in Art and Culture of the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF). she designed and directs the Master in Curatorial Studies at UNTREF she also is Professor at the University of Buenos Aires.

Vice-director of the MUNTREF (Art Museum and Center of Contemporary Art).

She has curated exhibitions of modern and contemporary art in Buenos Aires, Berlin, Milan, Madrid, Sao Paulo, Curitiba, Mexico.

Among other works, has recently published Boltanski, Buenos Aires; Reality and Utopia; Thinking with images, a curatorial essay, Storytelling (Telling Stories, micronarratives in the National Collections), Between times, presences (interferences, interventions) of the Jozami Collection in the Museo Lázaro Galdiano and Graciela Sacco, Nothing is were you think. Director of theCuratorial Studies magazine.

Her husband, Marcelo Huernos, historian and professor is a specialist in social and economical history. He teaches at the University of Buenos Aires. Also he produced contents of social history and immigration for Documental films. In 2014 he was the producer of the contents and the narration of the exhibition "Italianos y Espanoles en la Argentina" a history of the massive immigration of Italian and Spanish people in Argentina, at the Muntref- Museum of Immigrants located in the old Hotel of immigrants in Buenos Aires, Argentina ( University of Tres de Febrero - UNTREF)

Marc Lenot, art critic, winner of last year's AICA prize (French branch of the International Association of Art Critics), scholar (history of photography, with an ongoing thesis on experimental photography) and the most well-known and read French contemporary art blogger (known as Lunettes Rouges - Red Glasses : ). Marc now spends most of his time in Lisbon, Portugal, where he will curate some contemporary art shows in the coming months.

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