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BIENALSUR the South America Bienial: Two ASFI Performance Dinners, and a masterclass at the UNTREF M

BIENALSUR's first edition opening month took place in September 2017

Invited by BIENALSUR chief curators Anibal Jozami and Diana Wechsler, we are proud to announce you that the first ASFI performance dinners on South American soil took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina at UNTEF Museum.

Speaking one's truth has its rules : excellent wine and no witnesses. So, as always, there will be no restitution of was said during the two performances. The only thing we can testify is that we had a wonderful time sharing our knowledge of the (art) world. Thank you so much Diana and Anibal for your generosity, kindness, and professionalism.

ASFI's Chairman Arnaud Cohen also gave a masterclass at Muntref on his vision of history of food performances.

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